Browsing articles from "March, 2012"

An Engineer’s Guide to Using a Mac for College…

After two successful quarters at Ohio State in the FEH program, I can now officially consider myself a college student.  I can also consider myself fully switched over from Windows to Mac.  I can’t say it’s been painless, but I think I’m glad it happened. First thing’s first.  Install Better Touch Tool.  This program allows you to set up super-useful gestures on the trackpad (on top of the built-in Apple ones) and allows you to […]


College Laptop Decision…

This is a super old post that remained in drafts for forever…finally publishing. The moment of truth!  So I spent a RIDICULOUS amount of time this summer researching basically every laptop on the market.  I learned a lot and changed my mind a lot.  But basically here’s what I learned…hope this helps you. 1. Tablets = Meh.  If you recall (hint: look at old posts) I was pretty set on getting a tablet for college…or […]


The Problem with Spotify


Many people I know have recently started to use the music service Spotify for all their music needs, and while Spotify is an amazing and extremely useful program, the reality of the situation is that using it is a poor decision in the long run. I’ve been using Spotify for around four months now. Spotify’s great in the sense that I no longer have to download music myself and keep track of it / store […]